El Kabong
JoinedTopics Started by El Kabong
What do JW's say when someone passes away?
by El Kabong inhaven't been around for a very long time.
i do have a question though.
what do jw's say when another witness passes away?
Something Beautiful this Morning
by El Kabong injust wanted to share something beautiful with you all today.
take a few minutes, relax and enjoy.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6_616giurk&feature=channel_page.
Effects, side effects, and withdrawals from Effexor.
by El Kabong inseveral years ago, my doctor prescribed effexor to help combat mild depression.
they started me on a small dose and gradually increased it to 150mg per day.. i'm not sure i can honestly say that the drug helped me in any way shape or form.
what i do know is if i ever was late with a dose, my body had no problems telling me it was time to take the drug.
Mr. & Mrs Kabong....26 years today!!!
by El Kabong intoday, mr & mrs kabong celebrate 26 years of marriage.
this is the marriage the elders in our congregation said that we wouldn't last 6 months.
thank god, we already knew they were full of sh*t. .
Going to be a Grandpa!!
by El Kabong inyup, i'm getting old.
mrs kabong and i are going to be grandparents.
our beautiful daughter is now expecting.
Hearing Loss Question
by El Kabong inhas anyone on this form have any experience with either themselves or a family member with a hearing disease called otosclerosis?
the operation for this disease is called a stapedectomy.
if so, can anyone tell me approximately how much this operation costs?
Doctor Who Foot Tapper
by El Kabong ini saw this on you-tube and wanted to share with all the doctor who fans on this board.
Favorite Fast Food
by El Kabong ini am jonesing for some white castles!
but, sadly, they are not in this area.
those little burgers with the onions fresh off the grill, oh!!